Champions Take Action – COVID‑19

The following 6 items are an outline of steps that Champions can follow for the implementation of a quality improvement (QI) project.

Finalization and presentation of QI plan

After a Champion receives input from the DRIVE Advisory Group, a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) plan can be developed and finalized.

Implement first QI cycle

The detailed PDSA guides implementation of the QI project, starting small with just one or two clinicians or sites.

Ongoing reporting of results

Measuring outcomes against an established baseline is essential to understanding if the PDSA plan is producing results. Champions can share this information with the whole practice and/or health system team.

Coaching calls

Champions have access to guidance and coaching support from the Center for Sustainable Health Care Quality and Equity (SHC) throughout the DRIVE program, to help refine the QI plan, interpret results, and identify next steps.


The practice team may benefit from educational information, such as print materials and webinars, to help the QI project succeed.

QI cycles

Each QI cycle is a small step. As they are completed over time, they can provide substantial improvements in care. Typically, 2 to 3 QI cycles are run over 6 to 9 months.

If you have used a DRIVE Toolkit to improve health outcomes or need additional assistance, please contact us by filling out the form below.