Phase Overview: Commit and Train – Flu Vaccination
The Phase 3 objective of the DRIVE program is to start engaging key health personnel as part of a DRIVE Advisory Group.
This group will discuss and develop a plan addressing next steps, in terms of what to do and how to move forward, now that the baseline is established from Phase 2. In addition, Champions will be recruited and trained on how to implement the DRIVE program to reach quality improvement (QI) goals.
The content of this phase should be customized to the needs, interest, and complexity of the health system or practice concerned.
- Gain organizational and leadership buy-in
- Recruit Champions
- Implement Champion training program
- Mobilized and trained implementation team
- Support from health system and practice leadership is a prerequisite for successful DRIVE implementation
- Champions are imperative to leading program implementation and ensuring sustainability
- Champions should include physicians or other advanced clinical practice leaders, as well as other relevant and diverse members of the health care team
- Champion trainings need to be adapted to fit the culture of the health facility