Phase Overview: Communicate and Sustain – COVID‑19
The objective of Phase 6 of the DRIVE program is to ensure that certain key steps are communicated to the DRIVE team, such as planning, results, interventions, and next steps. It is also important to recognize and celebrate Champions for the effort and passion they bring to improving health outcomes.
- Develop an internal and external communications plan
- Consider opportunities for professional recognition and celebrating successes
- Gear up for further enhancements by implementing subsequent quality improvement (QI) project(s)
- Communications plan
- Recognition activities
- Strategy for sustained improvement
- Changing the culture to promote health quality and equity takes time
- Focusing on team-based efficiency will ultimately pay off
- Communicating to key targets: the practice team by nurturing their engagement; the health system leadership by maintaining their support; the patients and the public by highlighting a commitment to their health
- Sustaining improvements, and commitment to further improvement, can be promoted by celebrating successes and professional recognition