Tools to Identify Appropriate Problems to Solve – COVID‑19

The following tools can help stakeholders focus on the most pertinent problem(s) to solve.

Root Causes of Practice Challenges

The Fishbone diagram can help identify root causes of practice challenges

  • A structured team process is used to identify causes of a health care problem
  • Brainstorm sessions highlight possible causes of a problem and sort them into categories
  • Output informs the development of an action plan to improve on challenges, care, and/or outcomes

Root Causes of Practice Challenges Document

Select resources include:

Defining potential challenges for COVID‑19

Surveying patients concerning prevention, vaccination, and treatment of COVID-19: Important to guide efforts to educate patients and provide care. See more education resources from CDC’s online print resources hub

  • How:
    • Disseminate a patient survey via one of the following channels: pre-telehealth visit, patient portal, telephone, or by mail 
    • Community leaders can work with health leaders to implement virtual town hall meetings to discuss key topics
  • Appropriate Topics: 
    • Prevention: Wearing masks, social and physical distancing, and hand-washing (asses challenges, attitudes, beliefs and execution of these prevention practices)
    • Vaccination: Ascertaining vaccination status, knowledge of how to get a vaccine, vaccine hesitancy
    • Treatment: What to do if symptoms develop, when to call a doctor or report to an emergency department, patient education about treatment options

Issue and Cause Worksheet

The following table can be used to help stakeholders outline the specific problems to solve, as well as the respective causes surrounding them, which will eventually help inform solutions.

Workflow Analysis

The workflow analysis, or process mapping, can be a useful exercise to help the team find bottlenecks and opportunities to improve practice

If you have used a DRIVE Toolkit to improve health outcomes or need additional assistance, please contact us by filling out the form below.